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touch213 70M
6990 posts
4/16/2008 4:05 pm
a questionable faith in the nature of woman

women are quite nice to look at, and delightful to engage.. and can be very beautiful and considerate individuals.. and may make a very good individual mate choice, when they are not in the mode to bargain something..

the sad reality is.. many have nothing to say, unless they are bargaining something or they are out to get something..

it's rarely ever about sharing anything, because they think they are doing a man a favor if they take their clothes off and don't ask for money... they figure you owe them a good Kiss up mentality about everything else..

it is rare if ever a man finds a woman who will share anything sxual without first expecting something monetary, or future in granting her favors or making concessions or promising to provide her something ... they are nearly incapable of "sharing the experiences as a natural sharing of the experience"..

and then there are those, they expect that you should nearly be obsessively consumed about her, ( to the degree that you will give her anything she ask for) or they start with their guilt inducing tactics.. of saying.. "you just want to use me", "you don't care and such and such".. and each time she says that.. it's followed by her expecting you to act or do something that she wants or has her sights set on..

it's quite a sad state the world exist in this realm..but it's everyplace.. and it's a 24/7 cycle of such mindset...
that's why so often relationship fail, and relationship are broken.. by such "expectations'.. that are never ending in their cycle of manipulative methods of seeking to engage that " bargain mindset"....

how does it change??? well maybe one in 50,000 might know how to simply share as people from a self motivated appreciation to share, without ulterior motives.. but then again, that might well be 1 in 500,000... but either way it goes.. it's getting more and more a rarity in these days and times.. and now they can make money, the trip has gotten even more crazy, now they expect you to have a certain type of job, making a set amount of money... before they can deal with you..

so it will only get more crazy as time moves along, and the more that they get .. seems the more arrogantly driven to expect stuff, but now they want it to cost you a set amount of money because they can appreciate anything..

I do feel sorry for the men, who can't see thru it, and the men, who can't speak up and tell her to cut the crap or get on about her business some other place..

but the real sadness is to the men, who fall for it, and end up thinking that he has to buy her approval before he can accept himself as a human being... but there are countless men, who continue to fall into that trap.. and he pays her for the rest of his life.. and when deems him not useful.. she kicks him to the curb, and put on her sob story and another sucker comes along and get caught in the same web, or by the same hook... and they repeat this cycle.. until age, won't allow her physical self attract anything.. and suddenly.. she is "Miss Susie Honesty" ...

the scenario of things is not in the best interest for any man to go falling over backwards for any woman... lest he plans to become like a rug, or a mat... and he may never get the occasional dusting off, but just walked on till he's caked with dirt and you can't even tell he was a mat, and may never tell if he was ever a male who claimed to be a man.

touch213 70M

4/16/2008 7:14 pm

if it provokes thought.... that's fine with me, and it meets my intent to do so... so what ever anyone want to call it.. is cool.

In my views anything that makes people think, and think, a little bit more, of what may or can better their ability to relate.. then that's fine .. and my objective will be functional.

most of the worlds fish are found in Salt Water.. so this is a Salt water posting, ... may everyone have a happy fishing adventure..

touch213 70M

4/16/2008 7:30 pm

the stats are not that bad.. considering there are over 6 billion people on this earth...
[ divide, 500,000 into 6 billion... and you get 12000... so on a worldwide scale the odds are 1:12000

[now if you divide 50,000 into 6 billion, then the odds, become 1;120000 ]
so I'm sure people like the 12,000 to 1 odds much better..

now if anyone thinks the odds are better than 1:12000 globally..

then tell me why are so many people single.. and claim they can't find anyone.. ???

some of these people are on more than one site, and each of these sites boast 100,000,members or more, so people searching thru sites of that volume, and still coming up.. with zilch... then .. those odds may be more close to real.. than not...

and one thing that prohibits many relations from ever getting started is..what??? " expectations".. and how they are put forth and how they are created and how they continue to expand within the individual mind.

people love to put that in the frame of bitter, than to think about what it's seeking to do..
and that is..
provoke people to think about their selfishness and how it may be affecting their ability to find a mate, and to keep the mate once they select one.

(Deb )
1846 posts
4/16/2008 7:58 pm

I'd read that it's instinctual for a woman to expect things of a man before s$* so that she is ensured that he will provide for her and their resulting young. I'd also read that because of this, a woman can not O on an empty stomach, which is why men began taking them to dinner, lol! Again, it's showing support.
Fight it all you want, Touch, but instict is instinct and some time's that's just the way it is. Just like men are visual creatures and only want looks good to them.

graceful1969 55F
1021 posts
4/17/2008 2:23 am

With all honesty, I am not looking for a millionaire but at least he has something to offer, if not, at least we`re equal

I agree with mydogate, as man is a good provider so as woman is the helpmate

touch213 70M

4/17/2008 7:22 am

Thank each of you women for the commentary.." you understood the premise and the objective" and it's something that won't change.. and I'm glad that you do see the point..
now what does matter, is how .. a woman goes about it... that's what the key element is.. since we know it is that way..

It's always the way it's done that matters.. and since we all know that it is done that way.. If Women want to keep the tensions low, and get that fulfillment met.. ALWAYS CONSIDER, HOW IT'S APPROACHED, AND HOW SHE GOES ABOUT IT..

thank goodness some women, see the point I'm making, and may even think about it, and find ways not to be contentious in pursuing that relevancy..

if you note the picture, that I posted with this blog post, both of them have something in their hands giving it to each other..

and if you look close at the picture., the guy has the toilet paper, and the woman has the chicken... the toilet paper represents that he's ready to go so far as to wipe her butt, if she will " choke the chicken"..

I as many men, give women stuff anyway, it's like a natural thing to do, we do it as little boys on up..

There is a species of Bird, I don't know it's name, but the male bird, has to build a hanging nest for the female bird.. and when he is finished, the female bird goes in and gives the nest hell, to see if it will support her young, and if the nest falls, the male bird has to start all over until he gets it built to her satisfaction and when he does, they go inside, and she lays her eggs.. Penguins, too have some characteristics similar to the human,, they stay with their mate, and the female mate will flair up at any other female penguin that tries to snag him...

If women are mindful about how they convey their expectations, they can generally get anything they want...

graceful1969 55F
1021 posts
4/17/2008 8:51 am

""and if you look close at the picture., the guy has the toilet paper, and the woman has the chicken... the toilet paper represents that he's ready to go so far as to wipe her butt, if she will " choke the chicken"..

Noted Touch, that made me cracking