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touch213 70M
11/6/2006 2:02 pm
I am tired of hearing it

The violence in the middle east.. it's now pathetically insane..

now the talk of war in Garza

why not just give them all guns, and let them line up like the old style military.. facing each other and shoot till no one is standing...
maybe then the rest of the world can have some peace.. the same for the factions in other regions of the world that seem so bent on fighting..

it's got to the point it's plain crazy !!!!

maybe the rest of the world should cancel all flights in and out, and block the sea port.. and let them have at it among themselves..

no it's not humane.. but it's also not humane for them to find anything and everthing to fight about... continually for a 1000 years .. and they still want to fight..

I surely have no interest in traveling to the area...
I wish they could move the Pyramid and other things, so people could see it in peace.. but. sorry to say.. these people have too much motivation to want to fight ...instead of using their resources to build an economy they only build warriors.. I can't stand it... I think it's plain stupidity.

nikonIII 55M

11/6/2006 7:52 pm

I am not condoning war, but it wasn't too long ago when Europe was constantly at war between one nation versus another.

They have their reasons for fighting, and we may see it as reckless, but their reason is quite valid to them in their eye.


(Walter )

11/6/2006 7:52 pm

Throughout the world and as long as mankind has been around. Has there ever been peace? EVER. I don't think so. Why. ???? you tell me. Regards.

(Roger F)
1334 posts
11/7/2006 12:03 am

If there was an easy answer, someone would have come up with it by now.
Given the sheer numbers of people involved, the most peaceful part of the world? - the far east! Maybe it's to do with some of the beliefs that ALL living things have a right to just 'be' and live in harmony from the insect to the elephant.
The middle east has NO respect for life - not even their own.

touch213 70M

11/7/2006 8:14 am

Thank each of you, I was a bit of thought if people would take this wrong, but I appreciate you each see the sentiment that it's intended..
"Thank you, Touch "

touch213 70M

11/8/2006 5:00 am

Dark, that is a point I've been saying all along... but I think some in the world do see, that he really did what was necessary to maintain stability among his factions.

we can look on a different level..of even today's family.. they don't spank their kids anymore.. and the kids take over the household, and the parents are filled with fears of all sorts.. and the kids rule.. with their whining, their cyring, and their attitudes.. and the family is being ran by the kids.. and many family are in chaos .. because of it, and yet, still canot see.. clearly to see such.. truisms.

YangHeMa 68M

11/8/2006 6:29 am

in time of peace they prepare for war and manufacture reasons for it to serve their purpose and then they try to champion peace and make a bloody mess of it so that next President can be kept busy trying to resolve it. Perhaps it could have been better if Sadam continued to rule, the killing will be lesser but the nation move forward, not backward.

touch213 70M

11/8/2006 1:29 pm

ideology.. of the West could not precieve the nature and manner that it toook for Saddam to rule and maintian such a turbulent regional people... and they are yet.. to simple minded to see the light.. that withough someone of such a dominant hand.. the nation will not find the stability it once knew under Saddam..

but I think they know this, but afraid to admist their mistakes..
OPEC has gone mad.. with their cutting output to keep the price above 50$ a BBL.. the US, knew and they know now.. Saddam, was one element that opec feared , and they played fair .. but now they don't have him to fear and they make the world hostage to thier economic terrorism, by their dramatic shifts in oil.. output and cut backs... and the wisdom of the other leader's wont speak up..

SAddam.. would and did duirng his time speak up.. and I think the opec nation orchestrated the bad info on WDM, to get the West to kick him out of their way.. and they somewhow are fueling the war... by funneling money to keep the instability going, while they play yo yo with the world.. in a prices game of economic terrorism.. and that's what we are facing... but no one want's to call it what it is.

touch213 70M

11/9/2006 12:27 pm

it's about keeping quiet so they don't disturb the slumbering conscience of the ignorant people at home.

goan, this statement is so blatently true.... people here love to walk around like they had blindfolds and ear plugs, until something affection their wallet.. then they only to fix the wallet, but care little about the details.. the ineptitude in the US is astounding in the widespread of it... WE are truly not a first world country, except in manipulation with money.. the electronic infrastructure is out date, the services hold people hostage to their ineptitude and they shuffle people from one lame person to the next.. and then give an excuse why they can't perform.. this is the menion force, the upper leves are so busy worried about status and being politically correct.. they are non performers.. and always in search of someone to be the bag holder... and this country is truly in chaos... but the people are by their will to blind to see it and too arrogantly holding to some elitist delusion of self .. they can't see the scope of anything..

their ideology of thinking they could go in Iraq with brute force and corral the people.. they honestly did not and still do not get it... these people are in dire opposition of each other, and it's takes a true \bass\b kicker .. to hold them in check.. but the US thought they could do it by some delusion of force by some militarily objective... but the fat rich lay on the \bass\b establishment, who do nothing but go to dinner gatherings .. can't see beyond their tuxedo... but we can be sure all of them probably wear tuxedo's with "tails"... as a true simblance of the actual \bass\b they are ... and it's not much different with the european coalition as well...
it's one big shell game.. of move the shell, grab the dollar bills... and hide the coins..