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touch213 70M
12/2/2006 10:00 am
Show me

show me your dream and let's talk about life.. and, go together to chase it's creation...

we do it all the time.. be it for the long term or the short term.. and find our pleasures within doing such..

who knows who the dream maker is.. lest we give each other a try.. it's all pieces of a dream .. of life.. that has so many factions.. thats like a giant puzzle.. which over times makes a picture..

show me....

your dream.

or what else are we going to be doing..??

touch213 70M

12/2/2006 2:18 pm

    Quoting  :

the best of wishes within your dreams for all dreams are worthy of pursuit.. as you so desire it to unfold..

(Ann )

12/2/2006 4:03 pm

brother touch,
I dream to have a loving husband who loves me as much as he loves himself.

A peaceful, healthy, and happy family.

touch213 70M

12/3/2006 6:30 am

expanded version of the post:

Show your dream... and let's talk about life.. and, go together to chase it's creation...

we do it all the time.. be it for the long term or the short term.. and find our pleasures within doing such..

We need simply have faith in the sharing of our dreams

and Know that God choose who shall be our dream maker..

it is not for us to know..

who knows whose the dream maker they are to meet .... lest we give each other a try..

For God sends and builds his teams..

as he deem and aspire.. we only need to heed the awareness in knowing so..

we may thus learn then.. the receptions of each other .. then with grace and good of will.

it's all pieces of a dream .. of life.. that has so many factions.. thats like a giant puzzle.. which over times makes a picture..

show ....

your dream.

in building a contribution unto life.. and within the moments of living..

or what else are we going to be doing..?? if we and, as we are wise in

" God awareness... "

we know anything other .. is not what 's of Gods design.

AlohaFriendss 72F
489 posts
12/3/2006 12:02 pm

Stop dreaming. We will be happier to live in Here and Now.

(Roger F)
1334 posts
12/3/2006 12:56 pm

Young Toukki - you will have your dream because you work for everything you have in life. It is there for the taking. Just let go the worries and the love will find you as you are looking for it.
I really wish you well as the good things are the things that you deserve. If anything is fair in this world, you should get the best.

touch213 70M

12/3/2006 1:10 pm

here and now was built from the dreams that have come and are still unfolding. ..

(Ann )

12/4/2006 3:37 am

My sincere thanks to TG