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touch213 70M
12/6/2006 3:54 pm

"well good morning to everyone"

A simple post.. that is menat to convey good greeting and well wishes to all..

if only we start our days with optimism.. we may find it being of optimistic outcomes, that add to the enrichment of our living experience..

there's always a challenge in each day for each person..

but the base of all facts is..

we have to be thankful that we are alive to face the challenge and with our mind, body and spirit able to be of engaging interaction with what is our challenge..

there are many who awaken today.. that have lost their health, some who may even have lost their mind.. so.. we must be thankful that we are functiong and aware in the living of this day..

so... I say simply...

" Hi "..

(with a smile)

(Roger F)
1334 posts
12/7/2006 12:40 pm

Good thoughts.

touch213 70M

12/8/2006 6:34 am

today.. my first thought while getting out of bed and while in the shower.. is about facing fears.. including the "fear of success'.. to investigate it more, to eloborate on the ways which I sabatoge my success and how to reach into the fear, grasp it and sling it to the side and step forth. to grasp faith.. and have strength in my hope, that I can and do believe in my dreams and reach to touch them.. with my whole self.

last night I thought about interest and the many varied interest I have and it's a mind blggle because I like so many things, but the principal thing.. is the like for learning and utilizing cross and collateral factors into the equation..intersecting and disecting point and seeing the weave of it all become something.

touch213 70M

12/8/2006 6:39 am

bronzeage7 " Hi"... nice to meet you