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(Deb )
1164 posts
6/29/2008 5:10 pm

Last Read:
7/1/2008 9:51 pm

Avon Calling To Sabotage Your Yard Sale

I'd put up two ads for my yard sale in two grocery stores. Only five families came to the sale. I found out why. An Avon rep had covered up my ads with her cards in the one store. I mean, she even took the care to fan out her cards on my pin so that the colorful words "Yard Sale" were completely covered.
In the other store my ad was taken down and her card was nearby. Hmmm...
Now I'm not saying Avon is bad. I used to sell it. The most I got out of it was discounts on already over priced cosmetics, but this rep. was completely inconsiderate.
I'm just fummin' 'cause I put a lot of work into this sale. Oh, well, we still got money out of it to eat pizza and go to McDonald's. I also got rid of some junk that was getting unsightly. It just should have been more.

mintyfresh 40F
169 posts
6/29/2008 9:19 pm

Once I put up yardsale signs around and as i was coming home after putting them up I saw some people ripping them down to put up theirs when there was CLEARLY enough room for both of ours...some people are just plain mean

(Deb )
1846 posts
6/30/2008 7:44 pm

Wow, that's worse. What did you do? And get this. In today's local newspaper, one woman complained about the signs posted on utilty poles. She said that one fell down and she almost tripped on it. Now the small town has decided that no one may put signs up except on their own private property. Like who's going to see it there on a back street??? I wonder if that old, "nice" woman was really the Avon rep.? Haaaaaa!