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chatillion 71M
2281 posts
1/10/2010 6:07 pm
人是狗! 呵呵。。。 真的。人是狗。Men are like dogs...

濡囧コ锛屼綘鐭ラ亾杩欏悧锛 浜哄湪鐢熷懡閲屽彧闇瑕4浠朵簨鎯呫
浣犳嫢鏈変竴鏉$嫍鍚楋紵 浜虹浉鍚屻

1) 椋熷搧銆 浠栧繀椤诲悆
2) 娲楁墜闂淬 浠栧繀椤诲皬渚
3) 鎬с 浠栭渶瑕佷竴鍚嶅濂
4) 鐫° 浠栧繀椤讳紤鎭

鍏朵粬涓鍒囦簨鎯呮槸鍙夋嫨鐨勩 浣嗘槸锛屼粬蹇呴』鏈夎繖4涓渶瑕併

Women, do you know this? Men only need 4 things in life.
Do you have a dog? Men are the same.

1) Food. He must eat
2) Toilet. He must urinate
3) Sex. He needs a woman
4) Sleep. He must have a rest

Everything other is optional. However, he must have these 4 needs.

Thanks for reading my blog!

(Ann )
838 posts
1/10/2010 8:41 pm



chatillion 71M
1569 posts
1/11/2010 3:39 am


chatillion 71M
1569 posts
1/11/2010 10:40 am

chatillion 71M
1569 posts
4/1/2010 6:18 pm

濡囧コ涓嶉渶瑕佺敺浜恒 濂瑰彧闇瑕佷俊鐢ㄥ崱锛