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chatillion 71M
2281 posts
1/12/2010 9:08 pm
海地国家已经被地震击中。 Haiti has been hit by an earthquake.

涓涓绫7鍦哄湴闇囨劅鍔ㄦ捣鍦扮殑鍥藉銆 閫氳琚牬鍧忋 浠栦滑鎶ュ憡鍑犱綑闇囥
A category 7 earthquake struck the country of Haiti. Communications were disrupted. They reported several aftershocks.

娴峰湴鏄竴涓┓鍥姐 鎴戠‘淇″緢澶氬懆鍥村浗瀹跺皢鍊熺粰甯姪甯姪杩欎簺浜轰粠杩欐牱鐨勪竴涓伨闅句腑鎭㈠銆

Haiti is a very poor country. I'm sure many surrounding countries will lend aid to help these people recover from such a disaster.

I remember the Chengdu 2008 earthquake.

鎴戝凡缁忎负鎴愰兘浜虹绁枫 鎴戜篃灏嗕负娴峰湴浜虹绁枫
I had prayed for the Chengdu people. I will pray for the Haitian people too.

carnation1233 57F
2 posts
1/13/2010 6:28 pm

Is that your translate?It is very nice.