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1ClassyLady 68F
3120 posts
2/2/2020 7:47 pm
China bribed Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Charles Lieber

I saw a video that CCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs official officer admitted in front of many journalists that CCP has bribed WHO (World Health Organization) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (see the photo one) to delay in declaring the ongoing outbreak of a novel virus in China a global health emergency in early of Dec 20/19. CCP officer said publicly Q&A speech that CCP didn't want the world to know that CCP lied about the Cornonavirus outbreaks in Wuhan city. Until after January 23, 20/20 when Xi announced lock down the Wuhan city and Tedros met Xi. By that time, CCP already realized they can't deny the Cornonavirus outbreaks. CCP miscalculated how wild spread the virus would be and missed the early warning. That Chinese Ministry of foreign Affairs officer shameless to admit that CCP has bribed Ghebreyesus for many even before he got the job in WHO. WHO praises China’s response coronavirus, will reconvene expert committee assess global threat.

The committee was reluctant last week for a PHEIC (pronounced “fake”) because of limited spread outside of China. Tedros said he was reconvening the committee because countries — Japan, Germany, and Vietnam — have reported limited human--human transmission of the virus, even as the vast majority of the roughly 70 confirmed cases outside China occurred in people who had traveled from China.

I was so angry that shameless WHO director general and called for his resignation from WHO.
The CCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs officer also answered another journalist's question about Harvard University scientist, Charles Lieber (see photo 2 ) who has been bribed by CCP. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University's chemistry and chemical biology department, has been charged with making false statements about receiving funding from the Chinese government. CCP admitted they pa*d Charles Lieber $50K USD per month x twelve months plus $ 140K USD living expenses yearly for totaling $740K per year in comparison of his U.S. low salary.

U.S. government is currently suing Charles Lieber for lying about affiliation with China.

Please "Tedrons Adhanom Ghebreyesus" and "Charles Lieber" for the true facts. The CCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs officer shameless to talk about CCP large amount of to bribe these persons and said CCP doesn't care about people's lives died but care about the power of communist party. The video speaks in Mandarin Chinese.

Photo 3: The speaker of CCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
2/6/2020 4:48 pm

The MD's and nurses who took care of Coronavirus patients have been severed transmission. The hospitals lack of medical supplies, so many MD's and nurses got Coronavirus got sick and been quarantined, some doctors died. The innocent doctors took care of patients but got transmitted by their virus. This is NOT fair to the health care personnel. I am a retired pharmacist and my daughter is a OBGYN MD, I don't want to see any health care personnel got infected.

I always believe "Honesty is the best policy". CCP wanted to "save face", but to lie about the truth made them "lose face". Now the whole world knows about Coronavirus. CCP should give people "sanitation education". Chinese people pee and poo on the public streets, blow their nose on streets, eat scorpion, bat, peacock, snake, rat, ... they bought from filthy market that the vendors k*lled the animals on the filthy floor and Coronavirus started from that market in Wuhan city. China has Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Plastic Pollution, now virus.

If you understand Mandarin Chinese check this video
【严真点评】外交部大实话:武汉肺炎 中共把厉害国给弄趴下了
Watch that speaker of Ministry of Foreign Affairs speech, you will know how I know about Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Charles Lieber.

I always believe "Health is more important than Wealth". We only have one life. No matter how rich you are, if you died, you can't enjoy your life. China is 2nd largest economic country, but CCP don't care about people's health, doesn't mean anything.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
2/3/2020 12:18 am

To AsiaFind censorship:

I am an American citizen and have U.S. Constitutional right to express my thoughts. Don't use the communist law to censor me.
CCP is building two prefabricated hospitals for Coronavirus patients. They will send military MD's only, so that they can fabricate and control the news they want to release. The bizarre building code is all the doors and windows have iron bars and can lock-up from outside only, so that the patients can't leave the buildings.

Why they building the hospitals this way?? They can control the number of death toll, patient information, ....

I am strong believer of "Honesty is the best policy" as my every blog said.

Coronavirus spread is because CCP delayed in warning the world of this disease that they knew 50 days before the Wuhan city lock down. Now this virus transmission from human to human and many countries. How can CCP save face? CCP is losing face. USA is the first country to send airplane to China to transport U.S. citizens back to USA. Trump announced not allow Chinese from China to enter USA. Many countries followed USA steps.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
2/2/2020 11:48 pm

CCP controls AFF. I have lived in USA near 40 years and I have U.S. Constitution right on "Freedom of speech, religion and press". Post blogs are my freedom of press, but my comments have been deleted many times, if I talked about CCP. My blogs have been edited many times, especially on Arabic numbers. Seems like AsiaFind has fear about Arabic numbers. The more time I corrected my blogs, the worse it will be.

I am an American citizen and resided in this land for over 39.5 years. I have a vote as same as any American. I can vote every 4 years. CCP can't control me. I have my right to express my thoughts. I believe in Democracy, so don't try to convert me to be a communist.

Honesty is the best policy.