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fateweaver 54 M
4  Articles
Law of Attraction   9/7/2007

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. You are what you attract, and you attract what you are. It is said the "Law of Attraction" like any other universal laws is neutral. It either aids you with or hinders you from your goals and dreams, depending on your thinking. In a nutshell, if you think of positive thoughts, you get positive results; if you think of negative thoughts, you ...

0 Comments, 53 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
MrStan 60 M
74  Articles
How to restore trust   8/27/2007

Once trust has been violated is very difficult to repair. There are many forms of betrayal and a common theme of betrayal is infidelity these days. There is a common belief amongst women that ONLY men cheat, both men and women are equally capable of this very painful act of betrayal. Myth dispelled!

If you have cheated on your mate, you have just caused your partner ...

5 Comments, 178 Views, 10 Votes ,5.18 Score
fateweaver 54 M
4  Articles
Build to Last   8/25/2007

You have about a second to catch someone's eyes and a minute to convince someone to write to you. How would you go about maximizing your chances to either attract or find that special someone? Here's some ideas which you could use as a road map to build a happy everlasting relationship.

Before we go to the specifics of how to maximize your chances, let's discuss what a person is looking ...

0 Comments, 39 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
lakechuckmitch 48 M
1  Article
Can American Men and Chinese Women connect?   8/19/2007

Can a American man (In America) meet a Chinese woman (In China) through the internet and make friends? Then visit each other when they travel to the other's country?

0 Comments, 61 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
wangru35 49 F
1  Article
I am looking for my love.   7/10/2007

I long so much for a special partner to spend my life with. I long to come home to that person every night, and share the evening, the warmth of the fireplace, the laughter at the dinner table, a long walk in the evening. And to travel sometimes to unknown parts of the world, and see them through his wonderous eyes. <br> To me love is having someone who you would die for, whose ...

1 Comments, 174 Views, 52 Votes ,5.50 Score
TechMan_1000 61 M
17  Articles
Turning Her Head   7/6/2007

How do you build a relationship. With out that first meeting. In order to build you must have that first moment. That first bar of music in the symphony that will be the love of your life. Yet, all you have are simple tools. Your eyes to flirt with her. So that she knows. That you notice her. Let her know you notice her with a 2-3 second stare. Look at her face move them to ...

1 Comments, 21 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
wallacephoto 52 M
1  Article
A relationship starts with honesty   7/3/2007

I was honest filling out my profile and I expect others to be honest as well.
I'm not wasting my time here online. I'm here to find a woman that I can fall in love with and have a family.
There is someone out there for everyone and if you start the relationship out based on honestly then you will start off on the right foot.
Good luck!

1 Comments, 82 Views, 10 Votes ,3.39 Score
eluox 38 M
2  Articles
the first letter from a lady   6/28/2007

The following is the first letter from a lady in Russia:
Hi! I have received your letter on and I'm writing to you. I think will be better to communicate by e-mail. This is my e-mail address and you can write me here anytime. if you have any questions feel free to ask me and I will answer you. This is only test e-mail and I don't give you ...

0 Comments, 219 Views, 8 Votes ,1.16 Score
mdkoofia 47 M
3  Articles
From Heaven to Hell---3(Dedication to Chinese nation)   6/14/2007

My thought about Chinese nation is now totally upside down.Honesty has been honoured by this nation.As soon as i publicly expose my life story i start getting all real response from the girls.Now i know what they want.So again i want to gratitude to all girls who become my friends. Unfortunately, one thing is true in my life that is, i never get her whom i love n i always get them whom i never ...

1 Comments, 63 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
StevesEyez4You 57 M
3  Articles
Building Relationships on Trust---One Brick at a Time.   5/24/2007

Relationships must be built on trust one brick at a time. If we don't build our relationships one brick at a time our relationships will fall apart quickly. Some just think that relationships build themselves without any effort, I find that hard to do if I want anything that is going to last.
In my past relationships I have found that the more effort I put into the relationship, the ...

0 Comments, 42 Views, 4 Votes ,5.19 Score
MrStan 60 M
74  Articles
Integrity is who we are when our spouses aren't looking   5/22/2007

It is fairly easy to do the right thing when our significant others are standing right next to us. I call this acting on our best behavior and this does not tell us who we really are as a person at that point and time.
What tells us if we have integrity or not, is if we are acting the same way without our sigfnicant others being present.
Thus, ...

4 Comments, 245 Views, 22 Votes ,4.57 Score
shekinah888 56 F
5  Articles
When can a relationship be rich enough to withstand other relationships?   5/10/2007

When can a relationship be rich enough to withstand other relationships, including sexual relationships? How long and what will it take? Particularly in long-distance or online relationships?
I must admit this is a challenge early in a relationship while groundworks are laid down. Ideally, rules have to be set from the start as to how much effort both ...

11 Comments, 158 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
whitedragon1964 53 M
11  Articles
Be honest from the get go   5/9/2007

If you paint an exaggerated picture of yourself or present yourself through rose colored glasses what are you accomplishig? You should want the other person to want to be with you for the real you not some illusion.

0 Comments, 11 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
MrStan 60 M
74  Articles
Gratitude builds relationships   5/9/2007

It is easy to want to be someone’s friend or mate when all is well. It is also easy to portray ourselves as doing better than we actually are. If you really want to know who loves you….. When the bottom falls out, look around and see who is standing beside you holding you up when your legs are too tired to stand on their own. That is who loves you and never forget that ...

10 Comments, 218 Views, 8 Votes ,5.10 Score
Ignimbrite 46 M
2  Articles
Be pushy...   5/9/2007

Recently I've been advised to be more pushy with girls whom I'd like to have a special relationship with.
My current view is that love can't be "compelled", and if it is, it won't last for long. If while trying to build up a relationship, I get the feeling that the girl has other priorities, other than meeting me... well that's it! Why waste more efforts.
But as I said, a person I ...

5 Comments, 178 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
cewekbule 51 F
1  Article
Building a lationships on Solid Principles   5/9/2007

What core principles guide your relationships at home, work and in the community?

9 Comments, 106 Views, 13 Votes ,2.98 Score
RichardTTripp 72 M
95  Articles
Let me apologize,   5/9/2007

Let me apologize,
I am a hot headed egocentric fool much of the time acting far to quickly in anger with far too little information.. I want to apologize to SP33DY2 for my insulting remarks about his postings in this magazine. He is a very intelligent man with a kind and forgiving heart, fortunately for me. He could write some very powerful articles in French but not in English. ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 0 Votes
tinaliu101 43 F
1  Article
How to turn down guys gently?   5/9/2007

How to turn down guys gently? How to get your points across that when you say, "No, thanks!" you really mean it?
I think this is a worthy topic to explore. On one hand, you want to get your point across effectively. On the other hand, you don't want to appear bitchy or "you're not good enough".

6 Comments, 183 Views, 20 Votes ,4.02 Score
MrStan 60 M
74  Articles
Why it's so hard to trust others/There is no getting around being vulnerable   5/9/2007

People who can't trust others and I do not imply a person should trust everyone for that would be naive. They simply try to avoid being vulnerable because of previous relationships where they were betrayed by an intimate partner. To start a new relationship can be quite frightening because people often fear being betrayed yet once again.
Many of us want to find our soul ...

7 Comments, 250 Views, 7 Votes ,5.08 Score
Babylonchina 45 F
2  Articles
how far can love go?   5/9/2007

how many of us have made the solemn vow only to have it broken? How many of us could remain in love for poorer, for worse? Love can be both strong and fragile: strong enough to conquer the world, fragile enough to be broken even by words.

4 Comments, 158 Views, 15 Votes ,5.58 Score
shanghairandy2 38 M
2  Articles
I need advice-Dating   5/9/2007

I 'm new to Shanghai. Been here for like 4 months. I have money. I'm pretty good looking. My heart is wonderful. I seem like the perfect man right? The problem is that I'm BLACK American. I can't seem to get a date. Well I can't say it like that. I CAN get a date with any race inside Shanghai EXCEPT chinese or Korean.
Age, Name, what country you from blah balh blah

0 Comments, 252 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
MrStan 60 M
74  Articles
The ethic of reciprocity is what builds a relationship   5/9/2007

The ethic of reciprocity or "The Golden Rule" is a fundamental moral principle found in virtually all major religions and cultures, which simply means "treat others as you would like to be treated." -Wikpedia
When one lover feels they are being unfairly taken advantage of financially in a relationship (of course we have to ...

5 Comments, 192 Views, 7 Votes ,4.57 Score
nooodlle 29 F
1  Article
Building a Relationship   5/9/2007

What do you hope to get out of a relationship? To feel attractive, secure, happy, desirable? I know these things sound great, but it could be that you're looking for something in your relationship that you can't ever get. The popular notion that two people together make a whole, that you're just one half looking for your other half is a lie. The truth is that many of us struggle with fears that ...

4 Comments, 104 Views, 9 Votes ,3.43 Score
AmericanGeishaPy 54 F
3  Articles
Is Sleeping together in the same bed good for your relationship?   4/27/2007

On the front page of the New York Times (March 11, 2007) was the story “To Have, Hold and Cherish, Until Bedtime, ” about couples who sleep in separate beds and who sleep in the family bed.
Imagine all the problems: snoring, tucked or untucked sheets, one coming in late or getting up early, one tosser-and-turner!
Are these problems worth working hard to solve while ...

3 Comments, 131 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
Cyberminx 62 F
1  Article

Apart from food, shelter, warmth and money, we all need and want to be "in love". My dad used to say that "to be in love is to be in a state of grace".
Having not been in this "state of grace" for some time now, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that one is special and should continue to have high standards otherwise what would be the point? Life is somewhat like a ...

2 Comments, 61 Views, 12 Votes ,3.15 Score
Ignimbrite 46 M
2  Articles
Human geography of dating chances   4/2/2007

I just found this in the February 2007 issue of the National Georaphic Magazine, and I thought this would be the right place to share it...
According to the US Census single women are more numerous (in the 10s of thousands) than single men in the eastern states, while the opposite is true for the western states.
The difference is attributed to women beign more numerous in academic ...

5 Comments, 165 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
MrStan 60 M
74  Articles
Behind many a great man is also a great lady   4/2/2007

Through my various past relations with different intimate partners, I have found one very important element that can often be over looked.
The role of a woman with great character, loyalty, appreciation for her man's abilities as well as her understanding of his weaknesses that she tries her best to mend with her support, rather than using his weaknesses against him is ...

3 Comments, 191 Views, 9 Votes ,4.71 Score
terryaki 70 M
11  Articles
culture difference in relationships   3/29/2007

I have heard that building relationships are different, based on cultures. I have read that it is hard for someone, from a western culture, to understand the relationship aspect of the Chinese Culture. I have read that you have to do it in the correct order, and it has something to do with borrowing things. I guess it is like building a credit rating, when you take out a loan. ...

0 Comments, 77 Views, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
vambo2006 58 M
3  Articles
From On-line Chat to the Wedding   3/24/2007

It began no less than 5 years ago, and is still going strong, and then some…. But I'm saving the best news last, now let me begin in the beginning, with our meeting. In those days I worked at the JATE University in Szeged in the Department of English and had access to the internet. I've used the IRC before but at that time someone had unexpectedly greeted me and his first ...

1 Comments, 41 Views, 5 Votes ,1.84 Score
waboose 69 M
1  Article
Liars and Cheaters on the Internet   3/24/2007

Have you, or someone you know, been deceived by someone on the Internet? As it continues to grow in popularity, the Internet has provided those who wish to be dishonest an easy and efficient means of doing so. Other writers have already addressed the issue of purchasing items over the Internet. Advice like only dealing with established companies and using a secure link for a credit ...

1 Comments, 157 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score