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doodahday 41 M
34  questions
Applying numbers to clarify progress over the last 15 years - 8/16/2009

From a minority business roundtable - Diversity on Boards of Directors - Altering the composition of their boards of directors to better reflect the gender and racial diversity.

Companies of all sizes and sectors are altering the composition of their boards of directors to better reflect the gender and racial diversity of their customers, employees, and other stakeholders. These ...

15 response(s), 1 vote
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
Would anything really change? - 8/15/2009

Touch asked me why I refused to acknowledge that it was mainly white males in the rich elite class (who are responsible for oppression, poverty, racism, etc.) I have no trouble acknowledging that most CEO's are white males, and that the Senate is comprised mostly of white people (4% black). Never denied it. My whole point was that 'white' doesn't come into play in it, 'rich elite' or 'government' ...

28 response(s), 5 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Some of this is getting old... - 8/10/2009

Race/Ethnicity (2005) The United States White 73.9% African American 12.4% Asian 4.4% Native American and Alaskan Native 0.8% Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 0.1% Other/multiracial 8.3% Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 14.8%

out of 10 people:

White: 7.39

Black: 1.24

Asian: .44

Hispanic or Latino: 1.48

Other: .92


47 response(s), 7 votes
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
Unfortunate 500 company run by who? - 8/5/2009

Not only does racism exist, but slavery still exists. Right here in America... Five charged in Atlanta trafficking ring July 07, 2008 ATLANTA -- Five men were charged in Federal Court July 7 with more than 30 counts of human trafficking and related offenses for a scheme in which women were allegedly smuggled from Mexico to become prostitutes in Atlanta.

According to information ...

0 response(s), 0 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
watch how wide this door opens - 7/31/2009

I said it last year, that the gates would open.. Now the US.. is doing what other countries were doing, Years ago.. when they needed to solicit investors. they made provisions and gave concessionary benefits.

but this also signals, the true depth of decline this nation tumbled on the economic ladder.

The program grants temporary visas to foreigners ...

8 response(s), 0 votes
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
The Perfect Example - 7/25/2009

A police officer receives a call of a possible breaking and entering, in an affluent neighborhood. The suspects are two black men with backpacks. I wonder what is racing through the officer's mind as he races to the scene? He arrives at the home to find an older black man with a cane in the house. He questions the man as to identity, and the man produces a Harvard faculty ID ...

8 response(s), 0 votes
southerncalm 62 M
1  question
Airlines - 7/21/2009

With all the changes in the global economy There are many airlines that cut back flights But some others have taken up the slack For a brief time Delta had direct non stop flights from Atlanta to 2 cities in China Now they offer non so i have to hope to another city to depart for China Which airlines to you recommend and which would you avoid? I prefer direct flights from America to China myself ...

2 response(s), 1 vote
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
Have your plans changed? - 7/20/2009

Is anyone putting off a trip overseas or a vacation because of the economic downturn? Do you have the same job and income, but have toned down the spending because of what you see economically?

13 response(s), 3 votes
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
Has the Border been forgotten? - 7/20/2009

I know the headlines are going to jobs and health care. Yesterday, on CSPAN, I listened to Janet Napolitano speaking to the National Governor's Association. She is Obama's Homeland Security czar. I was not impressed. A lot of dancing, very little substance. Again, she deserves some time to get settled. But what she said sounded more like a non- committal campaign speech than anything else. Has ...

4 response(s), 5 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Now I have something to say... - 7/14/2009

Obama and the liberal congress need to stop with the cap and trade, the health care reform and other liberal programs now. In a time of prosperity in America, go for it. But now is the time to stop spending and heal the economy. or better yet let it heal itself. No reasonble business man is going to expand or hire new emplooyees in the current economic climate. Can they not see this in D.C.? TARP ...

30 response(s), 9 votes
sentimental_me 104 F
8  questions
What make a man want to marry a woman? - 7/10/2009

I have some questions that must have lingered on a lot of ladies' mind.

What make a man want to get married to a lady? What make HER more SPECIAL than any other girls he's been dating????

How do a woman know if the guy she's about the choose will take her "seriously" (not just casual dating or a fling etc). Is there any SIGN to recognize this guy from the rest of her suiters ...

2 response(s), 5 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
MJ... - 7/7/2009

I never have been a fan of his music, nor did I dislike it. I watched his memorial service today. I was struck by what Brooke Shields said. They spent time together as friends who could be and laugh together. I see how hard is must be to be famous from a on. No time to be a . Now I get the ranch too. But the most poignant thing that was said, was by his young . "Since I was born, my dad was ...

6 response(s), 8 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
responsibility of the People of Iran - 6/27/2009

It is the responsibility of the People of Iran, to get rid of President Ahmadinejad and impeace him or find their ways to remove him from office..

The world already knows he is a nut case on the edge of lunacy.. maybe the other Muslim countries who choose democratic reforms, should support the Iranian people in their dis-content with the results, its unlikely that many people can be ...

8 response(s), 4 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Tell people you love them while you can !! - 6/26/2009

If we learn not much, let this tragic passing, bring us all to learn better to speak our love, while those we love live, as well as to speak it when they pass.

The Passing of Michael Jackson, may Teach us Much.. Hopefully, it teach us to tell people how much we love them, as they live, don't withhold it, with attitudes during the times they live. they need to know it, as they ...

2 response(s), 2 votes
Raize 60 M
1  question
Should ladies pay their own way when dating? - 6/21/2009

This is my opinion of what ladies should do when the bill comes around... what do you think?

First date? Usually coffee at a cafe. Offer to pay half. If he accepts your offer, end it there. It's nice to know a lady is at least prepared to pay her own way, and this makes the man feel better about paying the whole bill. But if he accepts your money he's not a gentleman.

Second ...

7 response(s), 4 votes
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
Seeds of revolution - 6/19/2009

I am finding some ironic and thought provoking similarities between the recent electoral events in Iran, and those that played out in the last US election. I admire what Mousavi and the green party is doing in Iran, particular given the stern consequences that could arise for them from the current authoritarian theocracy. Khamenei has supreme power. History is full of examples of Middle Eastern ...

19 response(s), 4 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Strange behavior... - 6/19/2009

When I type in the website I get this warning from my antivirus software:

mmchitikanetminimall?w=728 may cause a breach of browser security. Why were you redirected to this page? When we tested, this site attempted to make unauthorized changes to our test PC by exploiting a browser security vulnerability. This is a serious security threat which could lead to an infection of your PC. ...

10 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Choices ? - 6/18/2009

Men choosing Women ?

1. Thin and shapely, plain and natural 2. Thin and shapely, make up and high fashion 3. Plus size and plain and natural 4. Plus size and make up and high fashion 5. Medium build and shapely, plain and natural 6. Medium build and shapely, make up and high fashion ( add your own preference )

Women choosing Men ?

1. Thin and shapely, plain and natural ...

2 response(s), 0 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
reality vs delusional things - 6/12/2009

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists will publish evidence on Monday about the increased medical risks of pregnancy for older mothers.

Doctors are also concerned many women still do not understand how rapidly fertility declines after the age of 35.

But other experts said progress in the health service meant the NHS could cope with the trend.

The ...

3 response(s), 4 votes
don_gisberto 66 M
5  questions
My cellphone no. is .... - 6/10/2009

I'd like to ask your opinion on the following:

It happened several times to me, that when I initiate contact to a lady, the reply reads like this:

Thank you for writing to me, my cellphone no. is ....

That's all. No referral to what I wrote, no information on herself, just a cellphone number. Obviously she expects me to call her cellphone without knowing anything about ...

5 response(s), 2 votes
Surfgawd 62 M
2  questions
do asian ladies find me attractive - 6/9/2009

so im wondering if asian ladies find me attractive ? please send your advise to my email if you would

5 response(s), 9 votes
ChangKaiSjek 50 M
1  question
Youtube - 6/6/2009

You find all kind of information with video. History, culture, music, literature, home videos, .... What do you think folks ?

1 response(s), 3 votes
doodahday 41 M
34  questions
I always wanted a chinese Hummer.... - 6/2/2009

..... now it looks like I will be able to get one for less than 50k, since the auto brand is being sold to a Chinese company!

5 response(s), 1 vote
JJB_LasVegas 70 M
1  question
When is the march to the white house? - 5/19/2009

I think now it's time, to take back America. Now, are we a democracy, communist, socialist, or republic? This country is failing each and every day, homeless, unemployment, inflation, and people are starting to suffer worse than anytime in our history. Do we as America take back our country and be the "republic" which is so described in our constitution?

"We the people, by the ...

1 response(s), 18 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
How we can create world peace ?? - 5/18/2009

Remove social regulation from women’s sexuality.. And we find "Peace"

" "This is the pathway to "World Peace"

[post 184116]...

7 response(s), 3 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
what is>>> ?? - 5/17/2009

what is the most frustrating thing for you about meeting the opposite sex ???


for me it's this:

I think the most frustrating things with women, is the initial silliness they put forth, when they are approached for conversation. It's sometimes like the most stupidest waste of time, playing tip toe games, because ...

6 response(s), 0 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Is it a genetic memory? - 5/16/2009

Since I was abut 35, I have occasionally had a de ja vous type moment. I see snow and forest. I am running. Not scared, like I am going home. I see fur boots crunching the snow and fur bounces up and down on my shoulders. My lungs burn but I am not tired. It is as though I am looking through my own eyes.

Sounds crazy eh. But I have mentioned it to a friend who has the same type moments, ...

10 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
How much of life is - 5/16/2009

Basic concepts

The basic idea behind hedonistic thought is that pleasure is the only thing that is good for a person; indeed: the only good. This is often used as a justification for evaluating actions in terms of how much pleasure and how little pain (i.e. suffering) they produce. In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize this net ...

4 response(s), 0 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
do you think you have privacy ? - 5/8/2009

you can forget it.. google, you can type in a persons phone number and get their location and a map to it.

Social Security numbers, and any other kind of number assigned to you, can be mined and sold, like the new commodity.. "We can't forget", we live in the age of INFORMATION.

That's what sells, all our gadgetry today is all designed to transfer information. Everyone ...

6 response(s), 1 vote
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Do you think ?? - 5/7/2009

people need to start making babies... "We've gone from a generation since the early 1960's of people finding every excuse not to make babies, not only has the population aged, it has become disconnected, until women now waiting till they are 30 and some even near 40, trying then to have a baby. The world is not producing more babies with more problems, and break downs in DNA, where it is not only ...

10 response(s), 1 vote