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David94134 61 M
1  question
Which airline provides the LEAST expensive RT flight from SFO to KKC? - 3/6/2009


I am considering a trip to Thailand this April. So far, the least expensive airfare from San Francisco to Khon Kaen -- with TWO layovers (ugh) -- is $1295 via Cathay Pacific & Thai Airways.

Does anyone know of any less expensive ticket? If so, which airline?



6 response(s), 1 vote
touch213 69 M
762  questions
what did you learn from the current crash? - 3/5/2009

before you answer, consider the expanded view, not just the emotional aspects.. and see , what did you really learn ?

6 response(s), 10 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Where do you think it will fit ? - 3/3/2009

Where do you think America will fit within the new order of world nations and world economies?

8 response(s), 4 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Are you ready? - 3/3/2009

Here it comes...

You heard that the new administration plans to reduce the taxes of those who make less than $250, 000.00 a year, and raise taxes on those making more on April 1st ? Well here is the kicker...

Obama has been careful throughout the presidential campaign and since being elected to say he would impose higher taxes only on the wealthiest. Republicans, however, say ...

15 response(s), 14 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Need a smile? - 2/27/2009

Two are arguing over whose father is the biggest Scaredy-cat.

The first says, 'My dad is so scared that when Lightning strikes, he hides underneath the bed.'

The second replies, 'Yeah? Well, that's nothing. My Dad is so scared that when my mom has to work the nightshift, he sleeps With the lady next door.'

2 response(s), 6 votes
AHeartSoFragile 64 M
4  questions
Here's a "Question", Psychologists say if you disagree............. - 2/21/2009

Knowing very little about the character of those who leave their votes and comments, I'm at a loss to understand the disagree vote ratio to the actual responses. Psychologists say that if you are confident in your answers to an issue and decide to vote in a negative way, then you will leave a comment, it's human nature. It seems the votes and the responses do not match here.

I just ...

5 response(s), 15 votes
AHeartSoFragile 64 M
4  questions
"Get Rich Quick" - 2/20/2009

Richard Yan is not merely a new breed of mainland Chinese businessman – he's a member of the very first class, and one of its rising stars. His Richina Group, which didn't exist four years ago, has revenues of $270 million and 1, 850 employees making leather, running a jazzy Beijing aquarium and turning out computer magazines. Yan, 34, is the driving force, and his megawattage borders on ...

4 response(s), 10 votes
AHeartSoFragile 64 M
4  questions
Have you any "Concern" for the world hunger problem? - 2/19/2009

In quotations is a word which represents an organization, take a moment if you will and peruse this mind boggling decision made in this next article. Too many times have the "powers" made decisions detrimental to human lives, but this one is sickening.

Ireland's third overseas aid cut in nearly six months throws spotlight on government's international promise to world's poorest and most ...

4 response(s), 11 votes
AHeartSoFragile 64 M
4  questions
For Those Who Have Always Known Freedom, Look Through Other's Eyes. - 2/19/2009

What possible good is freedom when the shackles and chains are still so tightly secured? What is freedom if you cannot live it, when will all people be able to co-exist as they choose? Think back to the fight for democracy by so many, only to be subdued and restricted in the their quest for the liberties and freedom they so richly deserve.

If you have always had your freedom, it is ...

32 response(s), 15 votes
valentinebabe 61 F
18  questions
When u want it, you'll love it - 2/10/2009

She says:

"When you want it, you will love it. When you have it, you won't care. When you lost it, you will miss it."

He says:

"When you want her, you will love her. When you have her, you won't care. When you lost her, you will miss her."

8 response(s), 11 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
I wonder... - 2/8/2009

If a man speaks in the forest and his wife is not there to hear him, is he still wrong?

3 response(s), 13 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Taxes... - 2/7/2009


Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he's fed.

Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule.

Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway!

Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.

Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, ...

5 response(s), 10 votes
cecille2005 60 F
24  questions
Should you follow your Horoscope 100% ? - 2/6/2009

Here in Ongping, little Chinatown place of Philippines, alot of jade pendants with Zodiac signs are on I bought one for myself and here's the Chinese Promo if you buy this jade Zodiac sign pendant then they will give you ...your fortune for year 2009...Im Aquarius ...and here's her better start working with Gemini guys for they will give you blessings in your ...

11 response(s), 6 votes
smart9466 51 F
2  questions
Valentine Day - 2/6/2009

Will you give surprise to your love one at Valentine day?

7 response(s), 7 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Buyin my first... - 2/4/2009

I am buying my first 1ct single diamond for my wife. Usually I have bought 1/2ct or less. I am afraid to by something bigger. But I decided a 1ct round pendant necklace would be nice. I ask the women here (men with the experience also) to give there opinion on such a gift. I fear if it is larger it may be lost or stolen. I really am confused about this. Got some help?

13 response(s), 4 votes
valentinebabe 61 F
18  questions
Greedy Frog "Prince" - 2/3/2009

Once upon a time, in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog as she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle.The frog hopped into the Princess’ lap. “Elegant Lady, I was once a handsome Prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me. One kiss from you, however, and I ...

7 response(s), 6 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
For the game players... - 2/3/2009

The barber noticed a small boy heading towards his shop. He began to laugh as he reached in his drawer and pulled out a dollar bill and two quarters. He told his customers to watch how stupid this little boy was. The boy entered the shop and the barber held open both of his hands. One contained the dollar bill, the other the two quarters. He asked the boy to choose the hand he wanted. The boy ...

4 response(s), 3 votes
don_gisberto 66 M
5  questions
Ground Control to Major Tom - 2/3/2009

The following was taken from taped conversations between Tower and Cockpit.

Pilot: "Bratislava Tower, this is Oscar Oscar Kilo ILS 16" Tower: "Oscar Oscar Kilo, good day, runway 16 is available, Wind is calm, and, by the way, this is Vienna Tower." Pilot: "Please confirm, this is NOT Bratislava?" Tower: "Trust me, this is Vienna" Pilot: "Why Vienna? We are going to Bratislava and not to ...

4 response(s), 2 votes
IzaStr8Shooter 46 F
1  question
Quebec City, asian/japanese men? - 1/30/2009

Hello, there is not many Japanese people in QC City so please tell me if you are! Also, there seems to be so many white men looking for asian female. I am white female looking for asian man!!! Why this reversal?? ! arigato!

2 response(s), 3 votes
valentinebabe 61 F
18  questions
Chinese Almond Eyes - 1/28/2009

Lots of Americans say they like Chinese ladies' "almond eyes". Do they really know how almond eyes like like? When they think of "almond eyes they probably think of Middle Eastern almonds. Do they ever know how Chinese almonds look like? Much different to the almonds we often consume in the U.S. which are longer in comparison to Chinese almonds. Actually when Chinese talking about "almond eyes" ...

8 response(s), 5 votes
dancer4u2 66 M
1  question
How did you celebrate the Year of the OX? - 1/28/2009

I would like to know what special thing you did to celebrate the year of the OX.

2 response(s), 1 vote
BlueToWonder 61 M
7  questions
Question about Year of the Ox - 1/26/2009

I am trying to understand the significance of the Year of the Ox.

Understand that from the perspective of horoscope and an individual, that people born in the year of the Ox may have certain characteristics et cetera.

But how does the changing of the year effect society in general? Is this something that is even considered? Would you say for example that because it is the year ...

3 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
Are we ? - 1/25/2009

have we been groomed into complacent robots ??

none response, filled with apathy lackluster unless it's about money or ego ? have no thoughts about anything passive seeking vain consumption over actual love ?

have our faces and the shape of our bodies made fools of us ?

have we become so to worship material things, we can't see people without judging them by what they ...

6 response(s), 5 votes
cecille2005 60 F
24  questions
Would you go out dating with TOTALLY STRANGER? - 1/20/2009

I have a Filipina friend who encountered new textmate they both exchanged text messages....and then after 2 weeks...he texted my friend if they could meet at the friend sooo excited that this textmate did sent his PHOTO via email...then my friend showed this photo to meee...(he's gorgeous american guy) i've told her to be EXTRA the mall this textmate asked for PREPAID ...

15 response(s), 6 votes
touch213 69 M
762  questions
do you think so ? - 1/17/2009

with the rising increase in single people, do you think it will contribute to the speed and rise of the downfall of our civil societies ??

do you notice the drop in birth rate globally and the aging of society ?

do you see where there is a whole generation not between parents and - the gap now is over 20 years and some cases greater than 30 which makes for a social disconnect ...

9 response(s), 5 votes
smart9466 51 F
2  questions
What you prpare for Chinese New Year? - 1/12/2009

Hi friend, Chinese new Year will come two week later, What you prepare for it?

7 response(s), 2 votes
valentinebabe 61 F
18  questions
Humorous Quotes - 1/7/2009

Humorous quotes from famous people

Quoted Ronald Reagan "Honey, I forgot to duck" Reagan said to his wife.

Quoted Ronald Reagan "No matter what time it is, wake me, even if it’s in the middle of a Cabinet meeting."

Quoted Jimmy Carter "People make a big fuss over you when you’re President. But I’m very serious about doing ...

9 response(s), 11 votes
BlueToWonder 61 M
7  questions
Has this ever happened to you...and did it bother you - 1/5/2009

Has this ever happened to you...and did it bother you?

Sometime ago, I was corresponding regularly via email with another AFF member.

All of the correspondence was amiable and pleasant.

Then all of a sudden, the other member is gone. No 'goodbye'. No, 'I'll talk to you later'. No, 'I'm leaving AFF'. No, 'you have annoyed me and I don't want to ...

10 response(s), 6 votes
cogitoergosum111 81 M
1  question
2 Australians seek Chinese Females for marriage - 1/4/2009

Please advise the problems (if any) from an Asian (Chinese) point of view.

My advertisement has been running for some time now & I have received a very poor response.

Is it the language, culture etc that prevents ladies from contacting us?

It seems incredible that, with such a huge population, so few females are willing (& able) to take up an offer of a ...

2 response(s), 16 votes
cecille2005 60 F
24  questions


2 response(s), 4 votes