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cecille2005 60 F
24  questions


7 response(s), 8 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Is it just me? - 12/25/2008

I am getting OLD! I remember when something was BAD, it was good. I remember when PC was two capital letters. The list goes on...

Today when all my were over, I had made a comment on how my oldest wasn't dressing like a "wigger". Now please don't get upset with the possible link to racial connotations. This is simply what he and some of his friends have referd to themselves as for 15 ...

3 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
what is the madness sweeping the globe ?? - 12/25/2008

A man dressed as Santa Claus opened fire at a Christmas Eve party in a suburban Los Angeles home that subsequently caught fire, leaving three people dead, police said Thursday.

Police said they were seeking a person of interest, 45-year-old Bruce Jeffrey Pardo. Pardo, described by police as armed and dangerous, is the estranged husband of a person who may have been at the party. ...

4 response(s), 3 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
the paradox of life - 12/22/2008

Today we have bigger houses yet smaller families More convenience, but less time We Have More degrees, but less common sense More knowledge, but less judgment We have more experts, but more problems More medicine, but less good health We spend too recklessly Laugh too little Drive too fast Get too angry too quickly Stay up too late Read too little ...

2 response(s), 3 votes
ImReadyforloveRU 60 M
2  questions
"When you are in love, do you.........? - 12/22/2008

Being totally in love with someone can take it's toll on both partners. You always give, always share, and always forgive. Now ladies, I know that we do some things that just make you want to scream and knock us over the head, but because you love us, you forgive us. We on the other hand, are always finding ways to make you happy, you know, flowers, candy, special cosmetics, running errands, ...

15 response(s), 1 vote
don_gisberto 66 M
5  questions
Christmas traditions - 12/21/2008

In different christian cultures, there are different Christmas tradition.

A few examples from different countries:


The Joulupukki, a billy goat figure, is said to throw the gifts on Xmas Eve through the closed door. This originates in nordic mythology, where billy goats were said to draw the carriage of the old god Thor.


5 response(s), 9 votes
ImReadyforloveRU 60 M
2  questions
I'd like to be the first............................... - 12/19/2008

Seasons Greetings to everyone, whether you celebrate Christmas or you don't, I'd like to be the first to say Happy Holidays. I have celebrated all my life and frankly I enjoy all that comes with the idea of Christmas, sleigh bells ringing, singing, chestnuts roasting by an open fire, sleigh riding through the snow, a toboggan ride down a steep hill on a newly formed blanket of snow, decorating ...

11 response(s), 7 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
do you think before long it will be a thing of history. - 12/18/2008

The private hospital treats an increasing number of Americans and other foreigners. But its real customer base, served by 18 clinics nationwide, is domestic – and growing. The once-slim Chinese nation, kept thin by poverty and communist policies in the 20th century, is now on the fast track to a U.S.-style obesity crisis.

About 30% of all Chinese adults are overweight or obese, ...

4 response(s), 1 vote
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Wow! what an introduction... - 12/14/2008

"I'll read beautiful poetry to you, make you laugh with my crazy stories, well educated, humble, very passionate about life and those who are important to me, a real lover of the Arts as this is food for my soul and what makes my life worth living, very driven by my goals and beliefs, loyal to the death...if someone hurts you I'd hunt them down, somewhat fearless at times, I'll listen to your ...

6 response(s), 2 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Can you see conservative corruption? - 12/9/2008

CHICAGO ‒ Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested on Tuesday on charges that he brazenly conspired to sell or trade the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by President-elect Barack Obama to the highest bidder.

Blagojevich also was charged with illegally threatening to withhold state assistance to Tribune Co., the owner of the Chicago Tribune, in the sale of Wrigley Field, according ...

6 response(s), 3 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
How about a Joke or two... - 12/8/2008

Why did the blond spend 9 hours on the escalator?

There was a power outage.

A southern couple where trying to have a . After years, the wife finally went to the doctor to have a check up. She saw the doctor and he told her everything was fine and asked her to send her husband in. He goes and comes back several hours later. When he walks ...

7 response(s), 2 votes
nioshy 60 M
1  question
How many years has it been since your last haircut? - 12/7/2008

You are very beautiful with that sexy long long hair! Don't EVER cut it! royanguy

1 response(s), 0 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
you want to know how to choose a mate ?? - 12/6/2008

go look at a very old woman say may near to 80 years old... and see which ones who are in that age bracket you enjoy sitting sharing time with.. the old one with a nice attitude or the old one with a contemptuous condescending attitude.

look at her body.. and realize that young one, will some day look like this when she gets older, now how do you want to deal with her, as one with a ...

7 response(s), 5 votes
valentinebabe 61 F
18  questions
Piggy Bank - 12/6/2008

Where should I hide my Piggy Bank money away from the household assisitant?

12 response(s), 3 votes
BlueToWonder 61 M
7  questions
For a laugh: Priceless - 12/3/2008

The Good Husband

Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all. He didn't even remember how he got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered if he did something wrong. Jack had to force himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of ...

1 response(s), 5 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
you may not believe it - 11/29/2008

Men.. if you are too tame, she will walk right past you... if you get with her and began to act like a tamed puppy 100% obedient, she will probaly get tired of you and go look for the next "bad boy" she can find.

that does not mean be a butt head and brute with no conscience.. but you better remain your individual self to the degree that you still take and engage some dare in your life ...

6 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
do you ? - 11/29/2008

do you think a relationship is more important than your excuses, or you reasons to avoid it ?

do you think having a mate is more important than the things you have as reasons against making the efforts to have a mate ?

if you are such a complex person, with what you claim as so much to be understood about you, how do you think you can judge someone on the couple hour or so of a ...

0 response(s), 1 vote
touch213 70 M
762  questions
Illusion of value - 11/29/2008

Saudi King claims oil should be $75 .. only a few years ago it was $25, and they were still wealthy... and making fortunes.. is there the lingering greed, due to the wild spending, and now to have had the excess, they cannot be content with a stable price that is double what it was, before the madness set in to gouge the public ?

are they afraid they are going to run out of oil? ...

7 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
what changed ?? - 11/29/2008

was it the slow down of greeds roller coaster ? or has the time come when people are learning they don't truly need the things they want, and learning the difference between "wants" and "need' and learning how to distinguish "wants" which before they made themselves believe was a "need".. ?

what really changed ?? is it the economy, or the realization of being forced to think ??...

8 response(s), 4 votes
Henry10lakers24 32 M
1  question
If I would meet my girl can she teach me the language she speaks? - 11/28/2008

I definetelt would like to learn a new language.

7 response(s), 8 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
'Gittin' Ne'ked" - 11/23/2008

it's a very interesting things, we all do it daily, even if it's just to take a shower, but we not only remove all attire, we also remove the dirt from our body, and as we have gotten Ne'ked, for the purpose of completing a function and process, we try to insure we do it well enough to remove anything and everything, that our self may feel clean when its done.

Now when you go to the ...

3 response(s), 6 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
they all faded away.... - 11/22/2008

well.. i see all the people faded away, who tried to tell me I was wrong and I was negative when I said, the economy would crash, after all the rip off artist got busted, and the current administration, bleed every sector of the economy to support a wrong way war, and crashed the world.. with all the other nations following the lead of 'fresh out of college" paper script followers, trying to ...

11 response(s), 8 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
it's Pathetic - 11/22/2008

It's pathetic...

when people can't even summon enough social concerns and interest to engage sharing in web based communications and thought exchanges..

and many of them have the audacity to claim, they are people of love... and got love to share..

when they can't even share thoughts.. or interact with thoughts that are shared..

that's probably how they handle ...

9 response(s), 11 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
growing beyond delusions, " the natural self may emerge" - 11/21/2008

man or woman... why are you waiting to give someone a try ??

you don't have to answer me or this question in the blog, but maybe you might need to know within yourself..

and for those delusional people, who are always talking about soul mate, and perfect love, and some Shakespearian silliness- you are your own problem so your answer is already it ...

0 response(s), 4 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
how honest are you with yourself.. when it comes to love? - 11/19/2008

yea... some say they are honest, but is that right??

well how many times, does that thought hit your mind, "well, I can't tell him or her, this or that"... " oh' he'd be mad if he knew".. or "she'd be mad if she knew"..

yep little things become big things, when they are thought to be smothered.. and the big question is, why do you think the other person would be mad, and if you ...

2 response(s), 2 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
well well well - 11/10/2008

I guess with the continual tumble of the cycles of things.. maybe now some of the stuff people may gather.. the corporate rip offs has been massive, and the delusion has been like the thick smoke of a burning tire..

and there is no big fan to blow it way, seems that the density has spread globally... now what will the global spread of the world community of greed masters do? they rips ...

0 response(s), 2 votes
Alpha_Male_ 55 M
57  questions
Have you had to decide? - 11/10/2008

When you where dating or if you are, did you ever date more than one person and then have to decide who you care for the most? How did you make up your mind when two people had captured your heart in equal but different ways?

5 response(s), 9 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
the success of woman - 11/9/2008

times have changed, and women, are filling the ranks of the institutions of education, and they are leading a new era of change.. they have fought for a voice, and to be self determining, and they are choosing what matters, and what matters is their voices, not just in the workplace, but in the lives of all whom they engage.

the challenge to do, and get things done, women aspire to ...

2 response(s), 5 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
Finding what matters - 11/9/2008

each thing in life, reveals what it reveals, and we each find growth in seeing, understanding and engaging the awareness to boldly face the realities which make the world..

From the start of the New Century, has been filled with chaos, and many challenges of every sort.. and we embark on the coming to close of another year..

The world has shown us much, China put on a Grand ...

0 response(s), 6 votes
touch213 70 M
762  questions
A new Era of the world.. 21st Century style - 11/7/2008

The world is cheering, and by right they have much reason to do so.. "change".. it's what the world is seeking, and what the world will choose in it's pathway to a better life and a better working world..

many people may claim many things, positive and negative, but what must be claimed, is the fact that "Changes are Present".. it first must be in the hearts of mankind, and then it shows ...

9 response(s), 0 votes