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Articles by kiethley

kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
The art of listening .... Communication..   5/10/2006

When a relationship goes sour, one of the first things to suffer is communication. If you can't communicate with each other, then there is no possible way to salvage the relationship.

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
5 secrets of staying in love   5/10/2006

Just about everyone wants to know how they can make their relationship better. They want to know how they can deepen the commitment & love between each partner. Unfortunately relati

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
The Thoughts on the Dilemma of Choice...   9/29/2005

Life is what happens to us while we are deciding what we want to do with our life. <br> We may be wise to design a plan that will free us up to "happen to life" instead of the other way a

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Love Is a Choice   6/4/2005

How can we speak each other's love language when we are full of hurt, anger and resentment over past failures? The answer to that question lies in the essential nature of our humanity. We are creat

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
How to Relate to Difficult Feelings   5/28/2005

We all know how difficult it is to communicate lovingly when we are upset, frustrated or angry. When negative emotions come up, we momentarily lose affection, understanding, acceptance, and respect

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Why Marriage Is Important   5/27/2005

It's been said that much of life's happiness and much of its misery come from the same source - One's marriage. Indeed, few things in life have the potential to provide as much happiness as much an

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Saying " I LOVE YOU "   5/27/2005

It should be obvious by now that one man is different from another. Some men are very vocal about their feelings. They freely say what they feel for a girl without hesitation. He may say he loves y

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Finding True Love   5/27/2005

Once you start going out regularly with someone, you will have a great chance of being involved in a more serious relationship. Most women find true love by going out on dates with a man whom they

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Understanding Love   5/15/2005

When you think of your past love, you may view it as a failure. But when you find a new love, you view the past as a teacher. <br> In the game of love, it doesn't really matter who won or

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Enjoy being single   5/15/2005

Single means you have the time to grow and be the person you want to be. <br> Single gives you space to grow. Sometimes, it is harder to grow when you are too close to someone. <

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles

Sometimes, in our relentless efforts to find the person we love we fail to recognize and appreciate the people who love us. We miss out on so many beautiful things and simply because we allow ourse

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
CROSSROADS   5/15/2005

Sometimes, when I look back and think of all the "could-have-beens" in my life, I often wonder did I made the right choice? Did I miss a road sign? Am I on the right track? <br> <br&

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Will you LOVE me when im OLD?   5/14/2005

Would ask of you, my darling, a question soft and low, that gives me many heartache as the moments come and go. <br> <br> Your love I know is truthful but the truest love grows

0 Comments, 457 Views, 0 Votes
kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
To the ONE Who broke my Heart...   5/14/2005

Please don't think I'm immature if I can't work on being friends with you anymore, although I know it was I who wanted to nurture the friendship in the first place. I have decided that I don't want

0 Comments, 430 Views, 0 Votes
kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
The Reason ....   5/13/2005

Sometimes we tend to meet someone who mean so much to us, we thought he's the one for us. A person who's almost perfect for us to be with for the rest of our life. <br> We may be blind som

0 Comments, 199 Views, 0 Votes
kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
How to handle Stress...   5/12/2005

A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, "how heavy is this glass of water?" <br> Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. Th

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
After An Affair Steps to take so you can find each other again...   4/2/2005

Can the heart ever trust again after it has been crushed? Can a couple look at this time as a way of becoming even closer than they had ever been? Can there be romance after an affair? If both part

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Ways To Feel Young Again   4/1/2005

Spend the day at an amusement park.

Go to an arcade together.

Play your favorite board games.

Go to the beach and actually go IN the water. Spend the

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
20 Actions That Say You NOTICE Them   4/1/2005

Everyone is always saying how communication is the key to a successful relationship, and it absolutely is. The down side of this though is that this knowledge is usually used in reference to when t

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
10 Communication Blocks   3/19/2005

Communication is often cited as the number one problem area in a relationship. If two people understand this, and are working towards having great communication, then how can they still run into pr

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Married Life ... 7 ways to fight fair   3/19/2005

Don't hold back communication. You should always feel free to express an upset or talk about something you feel is wrong. Remember, it isn't WHAT you say… it's HOW you say it! <br&g

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Make sure you know...before you say,   3/19/2005

Before making a long-term commitment with someone you need to know that you are compatible. You need to make sure <br> that you can live with their life views. The last thing you need is

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles

As a couple, it is easy to wake up one day and find ourselves far off-track from where we intended to be. At the beginning of any relationship we all have great ideals of how the future will be, bu

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Living Together (Practical Guide)   3/17/2005

pect to the seriousness of marriage, one should not enter into the decision to live together lightly. Since most people's ultimate goal is to become married, living together should only be a precur

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
Successful relationship management   3/17/2005

Successful relationship management requires a range of skills. Like other skills, these need to be updated to reflect changing circumstances and situations. Here are our suggestions for keeping you

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
LISTEN FOR LOVE   3/16/2005

There are times when we are timid and shy about expressing the love we feel. For fear of embarrassing the other person, or ourselves, we hesitate to say the actual words "I love you." So we try to

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
STOP Comparing   3/16/2005

We live in a pathologically dissatisfied world. And I'm going to tell you why. Because we love to compare. <br> <br> Go around the world and discover that people aren't happy with

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kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
You are very Important to me and I'll tell you why...   3/16/2005

You and I share so much of what is good about life. Things like ... so many experiences that only you and I have known. And so many personal feelings and emotions that we have shown only to each

0 Comments, 848 Views, 0 Votes
kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
For ALL that You are to ME...   3/16/2005

Having someone like you in my life is like having a wish come true. <br> You are a blessing and a miracle. You are a guiding light. You are a reminder that everything is all right. You an

0 Comments, 204 Views, 0 Votes
kiethley 43 F
39  Articles
On Perfection and Happiness   3/16/2005

Happiness is not found at the end of the road. It is truly experience along the way. So take not for granted each moment of your life and you will find a reason to be happy each day. <br>

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